What No First-World Resident Can Imagine

Social issues are paramount in third-world nations, today. And even worse, constantly on the rise too.

 So what actually is the problem with these societies?

 These societies are called ‘undeveloped’ or ‘developing’ countries. And their state/governing body constantly imitates first world societies, to progress and develop further. From culture, lifestyle, to economy, everything revolves around the western, first-world way.

 Amid these efforts, third-world societies collapse. Their social issues shoot sky high.

Yet, positive changes are never implemented.


Change is possible – a shift away from first-world systems.

  • The economy can be altered. Paper is never the solution.
  • Capitalist ideologies can change. Market competition is not always great, neither is the current concept of “more is better.”
  • Social justice values can be improved. Egalitarian communities see more people thrive, resulting in safe, harmony places.
  • Philosophies around lifestyle and living can be rethought. The world has no dearth of healthy, sustainable ideas. It is only a matter of incorporation.


Who knows London, Paris, New York, may soon follow suit.